B173 Mic Pre
Introducing Black Lion Audio’s own 1073-style microphone preamp, the B173! Don’t let the price tag fool you. This is not only a serious contender for the most “bang for your buck” preamp in existence, but sonically stands on its own at any price point. Our goal was to capture the essence of the original 1073 at a price anyone can afford, and we’re proud to say that we’ve accomplished our goal! Tape Op gave it a run, and couldn’t agree more. Give the B173 a try and prepare to be blown away!
The B173 is Black Lion Audio’s homage to the highly revered 1073 mic pre. The B173 is a single channel mic preamp with input and output transformers, stepped gain, output level control, phantom power, and phase. It features a DI, 80dB of gain, and is housed in a 1U, 1/2 rack chassis.