Amplifiers are the middle point between the audio interface/studio console and your passive monitors. They have different power (watt) and ohm ratings which need to be considered. Usually, all this information can be found on passive monitor specification sheets or even on the back of the monitors. Feel free to give us a call if you need any advice on what amplifier to match with your speakers.

The Yamaha NS-10 is a very popular monitor that requires a separate amplifier to drive them, and with the release of the Avantone CLA-10 (Yamaha NS-10 reissues), we have found matching them with the Avantone designed CLA200 amplifier works perfectly for both the original Yamaha NS-10 and the Avantone CLA-10. 

Many other speaker manufacturers also do passive monitors, one of them being PMC which we find are absolutely stunning when paired up with Bryston amplification

On a bigger scale, you can run amplifiers to run each driver and even buying monoblock amplifiers to run each monitor independently. 

For example, Bi-Ampling the left speaker and Bi-Amping the Right speaker running four monoblock amplifiers

Speak to us today for either an upgrade to your current passive monitor amplifier or even about helping you come up with a passive monitor solution

7 Products

Avantone CLA200

View product £899.00 inc. VAT
£749.17 exc. VAT

Drawmer 4X4R

View product £1,194.00 inc. VAT
£995.00 exc. VAT

Drawmer CPA-50 Power Amplifier

View product £348.00 inc. VAT
£290.00 exc. VAT

Drawmer MPA-90 Power Amplifier

View product £606.00 inc. VAT
£505.00 exc. VAT