Audio Interfaces
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Audio Interfaces are one of the many workhorses in the studio! These magical units provide AD/DA (Analogue to Digital / Digital to Analogue) conversion usually with a way to pass the audio directly to a PC or Mac... Either through USB, Thunderbolt, Firewire or Ethernet.
There are also, within the same family, AD/DA converters that can be used with other hardware, such as; Pro Tools HDX / Native Cards over the Digilink connection and others such as MADI, and Optical PCI/PCIe Cards
Dante (audio over I/P) is quickly becoming a de facto in the industry, this is allowing near-zero latency with a ridiculously high track count, and cross-compatibility with other Dante enabled hardware over a single ethernet cable from a gigabit switch.
We have a solution here for any kind of set up that you require, whether it is a simple 2in2out desktop interface, to a full studio solution.
All the manufacturers that we work with offer ultimate stability and also near zero-downtime a fault unlikely arise.
We pride ourselves on being a Prism Sound dealer with knowledge on their products that cannot be rivalled! Working daily with Prism Sound ADA-8XR Convertors and Prism Titan(s) in a Pro Tools HDX set up, to the more simple Lyra 1 over USB.
We are also Dante Certified so you will be safe in our hands when we are working on or upgrading your Dante network